vol 18 no 2,2018

Contrastive Study for the Predicate Semantic Roles in Both English and Arabic Languages

Contrastive Study for the Predicate Semantic Roles in Both English and Arabic Languages

Dr. Saleh Mohd Naji

English Language Department -Faculty of Arts

Zarqa University

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Dr. Jamil Mohd Bani Ata

Arabic Department-Faculty of Arts

Zarqa University

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Received 19/10/2017                                                               Accepted 11/04/2018



This study investigates valency-zero, valency- one and valency- two for the aim of finding out the similarities and the discrepancies between the predicates in both English and Arabic kernel sentences. It concludes that the similarities are more than the differences between the predicates' types, nature, and their influence on the number and the role of the arguments in the English and Arabic sentences.

The researchers adopt the descriptive and the analytical strategy in their investigation. They refer to different modern and old sources for this purpose. The study ends with some relevant recommendations.

Keywords : Valency predicates, kernel sentence, sentence pattern, nominal sentence and verbal sentence .



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