Peer Review Process


Peer Review
1. The author (prepare the submission).
2. Make a submission to the journal by filling the information of the author(s) and the submission.
3. Upload the submission to the journal by using the submission ID, which is acquired on making a submission in step 2.
4. Auto email confirms receiving the submission.
5. Plagiarism ratio report.
6. Send a report to the editorial board (Advocates) to determine degree of similarity:
a. If the ratio is not acceptable, the submission is rejected and an apology is sent to the author.
b. If the ratio is acceptable, author must sign a pledge to guarantee the copyright of the journal in order to complete the reviewing process.
7. Send the submission for initial review.
a. In case of rejection, a letter of apology is sent to the author.
b. If accepted, two reviewers (from the list) are assigned for each paper:
If rejected by reviewers, an apology letter is sent.
If the reviewers disagree, a third reviewer is assigned for each paper.
If the submission is accepted, the changes recommended by the reviewers are sent to the author via email, and a conditional acceptence letter is sent to the author, to guarantee making the required changes.

8. The author is required to:.
- Send the modified submission via email.
- Fill out the changes form.
9. making sure the changes are carried out:
a. If the required changes are not carried out, another letter is sent to the author, and if the changes are not carried out once more, the submission is rejected.
b. If the changes are carried out:
The submission receives a final acceptance note from the editorial board.
Publication fees are requested from the author.
An official letter of acceptance is sent.
Determine the submission to be published in the coming issue, based on the priority publishing list.
Final arrangement of the issue.
Send the issue to the printing house.
Upload the issue and make it available for free.
Send a copy of the journal with 3 extracts to each author in the published issue.

All articles in Zarqa Journal for Research and Studies in Humanities are published under an open access Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license.

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