vol 18 no 2,2018

Manifestations of the Generosity in the Abbasid Poetry (Selected Anthology)

Manifestations of the Generosity in the Abbasid Poetry (Selected Anthology)

Ashraf  Sha'aban Dr.

Department of Arabic language

An-Najah National University-Nablus-Palestine

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Dr. Abdulkhaleq Issa

Faculty of Humanities

An-Najah National University-Nablus-Palestine

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Received 07/04/2016                                              Accepted 13/03/2018



The gifts of generous people didn't stop on the materialistic limits; instead, they exceeded that to wider prospects which are more connected with the human soul.  Thus, we've started to touch the poets' tendency to praise with this form of generosity's manifestations, not to avert the materialistic vision in that age, but for other reasons that had been imposed by the new reality in its different conditions.  These reasons had been imposed with the help of a set of other factors, which had had the main hand to instill the pillars of this style. Therefore, the moral generosity obtained the position it deserved among other forms of generosity.  That's after poets had raised its importance and expatiated in mentioning its manifestations, showing its limits and identifying it and its importance.   And as Poets looked at materialistic gifts as a form of the materialistic generosity, they also deliberately paid attention to its moral part.  So, they didn't forget to mention the different kinds of moral gifts and deeming them as a form of the moral generosity manifestations.

Adopting the descriptive analytical approach, this study has come to shed light on the most important manifestations of the moral generosity in the Abbasid poetry and to reveal its presence and the manner poets had addressed, dealt with, and celebrated this kind of generosity.

The study made clear the manifestations of moral and literary generosity: it inquired about the munificence of one's soul which is, based on the study, deemed the highest kind of generosity. It also touched upon the aspects of generosity by fame, prestige, or high standing familial and social stature and thought about it as equal to money charity especially in times that require intercession. Moreover, the study brought up the issue of altruism, that is, spending money on others though in need of it. It also traced the dedication of peace in several poems and illustrated the conferment of poetry on others in various contexts.

The study concluded that this subject was a phenomenon reflected in the Abbasid poetry. However, it's quite remarkable to note that poets at that time resorted to and were influenced, intentionally or unintentionally, by the process of analysis and investigation in Greek philosophy.



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