vol 15 no 3,2015

Muhammad bin Massarrah's Religious Movement

Muhammad bin Massarrah's Religious Movement

Dr. Mubarak Mohammed Tarawneh

Department of Humanities-Faculty of Arts and Sciences

The World Islamic Sciences & Education University, Jordan

tarawnahmubarak@yahoo.comThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dr.Bilal Rakan Aljaafreh

Ministry of Education-Jordan

Belal_jaafrah@yahoo.comThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The research deals with Massarrah's religious movement in Andalusia. His early and scientific life is identified in this research. Then, the movement was developed during the caliph Abdurrahman Alnasser period by his followers and students who adopted all his thoughts and teachings, especially after his death. It also addresses the caliph's attitude towards the movement and its followers. The research also clarifies ibn Massarrah's opinions about Rashidi and Abbasid caliphates in addition to the Caliph Abdurrahman Alnasser when ibn Massarrah was still alive. After that, the attitude was changed about the movement and its followers after the death of ibn Massarrah. The research discusses the role of his students in spreading his thoughts all over Andalusia. Finally, his books and poetry are mentioned.


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