vol 24 no3,2024

The Reality Of Employing The Mathematics Lab and Its Relationship To Developing Geometrical Proof Skills Among High School Students


The Reality Of Employing The Mathematics Lab and Its Relationship To Developing Geometrical Proof Skills Among High School Students

           Gehan Ahmed Mahmoud Alshafey              Sara Saad Aldosary                 
                           Science & Humanities-Jubail            
                               Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University, KSA          
                 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Received : 30/05/2021                                       Accepted :01/09/2021


The study aimed to reveal the degree of employment of the mathematics laboratory and its relationship to the development of geometric proof skills among secondary school students. Revealing the degree of employing the mathematics laboratory from their point of view, and a list of the geometric proof skills required for secondary school students was prepared, and in the light of that, the second tool for the study was built, which is a questionnaire to measure the geometric proof skills for secondary school students. The secondary stage in the city of Jubail, and the research sample consisted of (12) mathematics female teachers for the secondary stage and (58) female students, who were classified into two groups. The point of view of female secondary school teachers in Jubail was average, and the results also showed that there were statistically significant differences At the level of (0.01) between the mean scores of the students of the first group and the scores of the students of the second group in the skill of deducing relationships and the skill of evaluating proof in favor of the first group that is taught using the mathematics laboratory.

Keywords: Mathematics Lab, Geometric Proof, Secondary School Students, Teaching Mathematics, Geometric Proof Skills.




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