Predict the Profitability of Ordinary Share (EPS) Through Profit and Cash Flows For industrial Companies (in Arabic)
Hssan Tawfik Mahmoud
Abstract: This study aimed at explainingthe librarians' point of view of Learning Resources Centers (LRC), related toMinistry of Education and LearningProvinces. Itinvestigated the reality of using CD-ROMs as learning sources including: usingobjectives, knowledge aspects, using place, users groups and using obstacles.This study aimed also at explaining librarians' satisfaction degree and reasonsfor using CD-ROMs in LRC. The study results revealed that there are only 12 LRC(35%) distributed on 12 Education and Learning Provincesout of 34. Therefore, study population was all of these LRC. In additional tothat, the study results revealed that there is a weakness in using CD-ROMs inLRC as a learning resource, because computers used only in 7 LRC (58.3%) and CD-ROMs used only in 4 LRC (33.3%). Thedata of CD-ROMs needs subjective variation and balance as well as comprehensiveness in using objectives to include education,teaching, recreation, scientific search, and curriculum support objectives. LRClibrarians declared their satisfaction about the importance of CD-ROMs availability and using in LRC as a learningsource for their characteristics and advantages.
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Mathematical Problem SolvingStrategies Used by Talented
Students in the Upper Basic Stage in Jordan (in Arabic)
Sumailah Ahmed Sabbagh
Abstract: The purposeof this study to investigate mathematical problem solving strategies used bytalented students in the upper basic stage in Jordan. The study responds to thefollowing main questions in particular: What are the mathematical problemssolving strategies used by the talented students in the upper basic stage in Jordan? Toanswer this main question, the researcher selected two different locationspurposefully. Twenty students and their teachers participated in the study. Thedata was collected in the natural setting from three different resources:observation, interviews and document analysis. It took around three months tocollect these data. The results of the study illustrated that employing varioustechniques in the mathematical problem solving strategies was not adequate fortalented students.. Moreover, the means for evaluating the accuracy of themathematical problem solving applied by the students were totally concealedfrom the steps used for problem solving during either analyzing documents orinterviews. Based on the results, the study recommends mathematics teachers andeducators to give more attention on teaching students the mathematical problemsolving strategies and the evaluation strategies.
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Jewell-Sinclairtheorem and the continuity
of homomorphism on H*-algebras (in Arabic)
Amir Mohammed
Ammar Edrees
Abstract: Inthis paper, we generalize the Jewell-Sinclair theorem to include not onlyassociative Banach algebras but also the nonassociative Banach algebras. Ourmethods in extending the Jewell-Sinclair theorem is based on the theory ofmultiplication algebra of an arbitrary algebra and another techniques, which isthe standard method in the nonassociative context in the Spanish school.Furthermore, we give as an application, example of our generalization of theJewell-Sinclair theorem, the well–known result proved by Rodriguez that assertsthe automatic continuity of a surjective homomorphisim on a nonassociative H*-algebras. Our proof is based on essence the same lines of Rodriguez's proof.
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The Reality of the use of CD-ROMs CD-ROMs /
Libraries, Learning Resource Centers in the Departments of the Ministry of Education in Jordan (in Arabic)
Fadul Kleab
Abstract: This study aimed at explaining thelibrarians' point of view of Learning Resources Centers (LRC), related toMinistry of Education and LearningProvinces. Itinvestigated the reality of using CD-ROMs as learning sources including: usingobjectives, knowledge aspects, using place, users groups and using obstacles.This study aimed also at explaining librarians' satisfaction degree and reasonsfor using CD-ROMs in LRC. The study results revealed that there are only 12 LRC(35%) distributed on 12 Education and Learning Provincesout of 34. Therefore, study population was all of these LRC. In additional tothat, the study results revealed that there is a weakness in using CD-ROMs inLRC as a learning resource, because computers used only in 7 LRC (58.3%) and CD-ROMs used only in 4 LRC (33.3%). Thedata of CD-ROMs needs subjective variation and balance as well as comprehensiveness in using objectivesto include education, teaching, recreation, scientific search, and curriculumsupport objectives. LRC librarians declared their satisfaction about theimportance of CD-ROMs vailability andusing in LRC as a learning source for their characteristics and advantages.
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The True Furqan (in Arabic)
Bassam Al-Omosh
Abstract: This research is a gainst "THE TRUE FURQAN " book which is a Suspicious book had been introduced in America . It is an attempt to contest inQuran Prophet Mohammed and it is mocking Muslims and Islamic rules. Itsintroduction wants putting a new religion. They are claiming that their book isa new inspiration which is assuring the Evangel and the Toraha. As for Quran they said that it is distorted and it is a group of myths which have been collected from differentbelieves. The reader will find in this research a logical reply on those and everyone who lises to get the evidence will benefit.
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Extent of Student TeachersPractice of Polya Strategy in Solving Mathematical Problem During PracticumFrom Class Teacher Students Perspective (in Arabic)
Mohammed Ibrahim Rashed
Abstract: This research aimed to investigate extent of student teachers' practiceof Polya strategy in solving mathematical problems during practicum from classteacher students of IsraUniversity, throughanswering these two questions:
1. At whatdegree student teachers' practice of Polya strategy in solving mathematicalproblems during practicum from class teacher students of "classteacher" specialization of Isra University?
2. is there anystatistical differences of student teachers' practice of Polya strategy insolving mathematical problems during practicum from class teacher students of"class teacher" specialization of Isra Universitydue to sex, specialization in secondary education, studying schedule, andcumulative average of student teacher in the university?
To answerthese two questions, a questionnaire of (45) items was built and classified tofour domains according to Polya strategy.
Main resultswere:
1. Lack instudent teachers' practice of Polya strategy in solving mathematical problemsduring practicum.
2. Existence ofa statistical difference in student teachers' practice of "Understandingthe problem" step of Polya strategy in solving mathematical problemsduring practicum due to sex in favor of male student teachers.
3. Existence ofa statistical difference in student teachers' practice of "ProblemExecution" step of Polya strategy in solving mathematical problems duringpracticum due to student teacher cumulative average (rate) of his grades inuniversity marksheet in favor of rate "Good".
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FactorsAffecting Academic Achievement for Students in "Basics of ScientificResearch and Informatics" Course
AtifYousef Odeh
Abstract: The aim of the study was to investigate variablesthat may have influenced the students’ academic achievement in "Basics ofScientific Research and Informatics" course. This field study wasconducted on 202 students that were taking the course during the secondsemester of the academic year 2004-2005 in Zarka Private University. The studyrevealed that academic achievement in this course have been affectedsignificantly by high school specialization, the average mark at high school,the college of the student, and the university year’s level. Whereas, theuniversity academic achievement has not been affected significantly by thesefactors: gender, use of references, preparation of reports for the course,library visits, timing of the lecture, and the diversity of instructors.According to these results, the researcher recommends publishing a referencebook that covers the whole material of the course. More practical training inthe library is also recommended. More recommendations for further research weresuggested.
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