تشكرُ هيئة التحرير اختياركم مجلة الزرقاء للبحوث والدراسات الإنسانيّة للنشر فيها، ونأسفُ في الوقت الحالي عن قبول أيّ مشاركات جديدة وبنحوٍ مؤقت؛ وذلك بسبب كثرة البحوث الواردة للمجلة، كما يسرّنا تلقي مُشاركاتكم عند إعادة فتح عمليّة التقديم، لذا يرجى زيارة موقع المجلة الإلكتروني، حيث سنعلن قريبًا عن موعد فتح باب التّقدّم للنشر مجددًا. شاكرين اهتمامكم وحسن تفهمّكم

المجلد 10، العدد 2، 2010

المجلد 10، العدد 2، 2010

Foreign Phonemes in the Language of Jordanian Advertisements- a Study in Phonetic Arabization (in Arabic)
Mohammad Abu Eid
Assistant Professor in Applied Linguistics, Irbid University College
Abstract: This study aimed at investigating the methods (ways) of Jordanian press advertising language in writing foreign sounds. For this purpose, the study examined the various writing representations of foreign sounds in different daily and weekly newspapers. The researcher concluded that the language of Jordanian advertising has not followed a specific approach when dealing with this category of sounds, but confusion has characterized that representation. The study also concluded many findings and recommendations.
    The Risk Impact of the Use of Technology in the Job Quality of External Auditors Field Study in Some of the Jordanian Auditing Offices (in Arabic)

Karima Gauher, Saleh Al-Okdeh, and Jamal Abu-Serdaneh
 Associated Professor Mustansiriyah University, Iraq
 Associated Professor, Applied Science Private University, Jordan
Assistant Professor, Applied Science Private University, Jordan
Abstract: The scientific and technical developments are important characteristic of our times, and also the continuity of their occurrence rate and their impact on our lives. Hence, organizations and individuals cant ignore the impact of those developments, especially those associated with information technology. Therefore, most of the organizations started to take advantage of these enormous techniques in their various work areas, including accounting area. With the employment of these techniques, the auditing offices started to face great and growing loads and it has become essential to adapt to these new techniques for operation and areas of usage. In the light of the electronic operating system, the auditor is therefore compelled to understand the hardware of the computer, programs and the electronic operating systems to the extent that enables him/her to plan the auditing process and understand the effects of the use of information technology in auditing. Due to the responsibilities endured by the auditor including reduction and in the light of using technology he/she encounters new risks that may affect his/her performance and responsibility. Therefore, the researcher’s choice fell on this topic to shed some light on the dimensions of the impact of information technology in auditing, the types of the potential risks that can be encountered, how can these risks affect the standards of quality of auditing and testing that in a sample of the auditing offices operating in Jordan. The results of the research showed that most of the risks that can be encountered are the risk of exposure due to the inadequacy of regulatory procedures associated with the use of technology and most standards of quality of profession affected by risks of technology are efficiency and merit.
Classroom Questions Used by Social Studies Teachers and the 
Way of Directing Them and Recognizing Answers (in Arabic)

Hani Obeidat and Mansoor Al-Arood
Associated Professor, Curricula and Teaching Department
Al-Hussein Ben Talal University, Ministry of Education, Jordan
Abstract: This study aimed at investigating the levels of classroom questions most commonly used among social studies teachers and how they direct it and deal with student's answers. To achieve the goal of this study a note taking card was designed and was formed of three parts: questions according to the revised version of blooms taxonomy, skills of directing questions and the skills of how to deal with students answers. Both reliability and validity of the instrument were checked. The not taking card was distributed on (35) both male and female teachers those who teach social studies in Dear Ala District in Jordan and that was by observing to situations for each teacher. The results showed that the most level that was commonly used by teachers was remembering and memorizing and understanding and the least commonly used was evaluative and creative questions. There were statistically significant differences due to experience, teachers with (11 years of experience and more) focus on informative questions. As for the teachers with (1-5) years of experience and from (6-10) they focus on the questions that develop students thinking such as evaluation and analyses. It also showed that the teachers do have some skills in directing questions in an acceptable degree, but as for dealing with the students answers it was very high in dealing with the correct answer and low in dealing with the vague answers.
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The Role of Applying the Best Practice of Recruitment and Selection in Accomplishing the Competitive Advantage (in Arabic)
Ahmad Areiqat, Naser Moh, and Mahmood Alatibi
Al-Ahliyya Amman University, Assistant Prof, Business Administration Department
Jaradat PhiladelphiaUniversity, Assistant Prof, Business Administration Department
Al-Taaef University, Assistant Prof, Finance and Investment Department
Abstract: This study aims at the role of human resources in achieving the competitive advantage for the organization. Human resource are the most important component among the organization's components, because, even an organization owns all other resources (materials, financial, technological) without the appropriate, skilled and experienced human resources, failure will be the expected result. By addressing the Housing Bank for Trade and Finance of Jordan, the study and through exploring the recruitment resources and methods that used by the bank, in hiring the best employees, and the role of these methods in achieving the competitive advantage in banking sector. The findings of the study were that the bank's success in the recruitment process was rely on the employment agencies, firstly and on the universities, secondly. Also the bank aimed on maintaining quality through recruiting method that based on banking experience and advancement in studying. In order to achieve the competitive advantage, the bank focused on innovation and creating new products and services for its clients. The statistical analysis proved that there is a strong relationship between recruitment resources used by the Housing Bank and achieving the competitive advantage, Also a relationship between the quality of the employees and the ability to gain the competitive advantage.
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View Points of the Teachers of the First Four-Grades in Jordanian Schools Towards a New Curriculum “Contemporary Educational Crises” (in Arabic) 

Mohammad AL-Khaza'leh and Abdul-Salam AL-Ja'afreh 
 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Zarqa University
Abstract: The study aimed to knowing the opinions of the teachers of the first four grades in Jordan towards adopting the curriculum of "contemporary educational crises". The two researchers posed two questions to the teachers of this stage: the first question was straight forward to them to pinpoint the contemporary educational crises that through them we can decide a new scholastic curriculum. The second question is composed of proposals in a form of paragraphs and to answer a multiple choice form with agree or disagree only. In the light of this, the tool was used survey or questionnaire which was distributed to (320) teachers (male and female. Those teachers were chosen from three educational directorates in mafraq governorate. The study showed that there are four contemporary educational crises which are good enough to form a new scholastic curriculum: The health education, the traffic education, the population education and the environmental education. The study showed that there are no statistical differences (a=0, 05) in the averages of the teachers of the first four grades in (mafraq city, western Badia eastern badia).
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Constraints Facing Garment Industrial Sector Operating within the Qualified 
Industrial Zones in Jordan 

Ebrahim Khrais, Zakaria Azzam, and Ahmad Assaf
Economics Department, Assistant Professor, Zarqa University 
Chairman of Marketing, Associate Professor, Zarqa University
Chairman of Economics, Assistant Professor, Zarqa University 
Abstract: The main objective of the present study is to identify the main problems and constraints facing garment industry operating within qualified industrial zones in Jordan. Special emphasize is related to recognition of the level of basic infrastructure services affecting garment industry operating within qualified industrial zones. In addition, to analyzing the impact of the Egypt's signing the qualified industrial zones Agreement on the competitiveness of garment sector in Jordan. The study also tries to evaluate the effect of Encouragement Investment laws on garment sector operating within qualified industrial zones .To achieve the above mentioned objectives, the researchers designed a self administred questionnaire which was distributed to executives working at garment factories operating within qualified industrial zones. Later on, an analysis was conducted through different statistical methods to test the hypothesis of the study such as One Test Sample Method and Standard Deviation. The study reveals that level of basic services infrastructure, customs and clearance procedures, double standards procedures, and Egypt's signing the agreement of qualified industrial zones are all a problems facing garment industrial sector operating within qualified industrial zones in Jordan. Finally the study recommends effective tools to solve the problems facing the garment sector manufacturing in qualified industrial zones in Jordan.

Control Deterrence: Toward a Theoretical Background for Binary 
Organizational Control System 
Mahmoud Al-Fayyad       
Abstract: This article aims at developing a theoretical background for deterrent organizational control system relying on two pillars: mundane control system and heaven control system. The researcher reviewed available literature of organizational control system, deterrence theory, and religious scripts to achieve research objectives. This research concludes that (HCS) supports the preventive role of mundane control system and form together effective binary control system. Suggested (BOCH) represents a good tool to grasp religious inclinations of individuals in favor of organizations and society and blocks external endeavors to exploit such inclinations for deviated purposes. (BOCS), also, lays suitable ground for incoming studies to test its applicability and effectiveness.