Verbs of Transformation in Noble Qur'an
This research aims to reveal the different indications and meanings of the verbs of transformation in the Noble Quran. According to grammarians, verbs of transformation have a general indication which is "to transform", however, anyone who is acquainted with the stylistic features of the Arabic language recognizes that Arabic doesn't use different expressions for one meaning. Also, the Qur'an which is rhetoric and miraculous in its use of words and verses would never come up with those expressions to indicate one recurring meaning. What this research has to undertake is to answer the question of the study which is, do these verbs that have been only called "verbs of transformation" have the same meaning or indication? Or do they share the general meaning which is transformation whilst each verb specializes in additional or sub-indications? If the answer is yes, what are the additional or sub-indications that these verbs have. Hence, the research attempts to study stylistics in which those words are mentioned using an analytical and inductive approach. The researcher tackled the study by looking into specialized dictionaries such as Lisan al-Arab, Maqāyīs al-lugha and al-Mufradat fi Gharib al-Quran to understand the precise meaning of the verb and to know the different forms the verb is mentioned in. Then the researcher checked the most prominent grammarians' books to be inquired on how they used the verb in the sentence, as well as searched for the verses that mentioned the verb in the Quran and finally carefully consider the verses that mentioned the verb and used the specialized Qur'anic commentary "Tafaseer" to form a clear conceptualization that is compatible with the Quranic verses in terms of the context.
Throughout the study, the different indications and meanings of verbs of transformation are clarified including the nuances and the additional meanings that distinguish each verb from the other. The verb "made/ja'ala/جعل" comes in different meanings such as, to initiate the act, to find, to transform and all these meanings can be referred to as one indication which is transformation. The transformation comes in different forms such as tangible, intangible, psychological, and rational transformation.
The verb "take/ittakhaza/اتخذ" indicates the tangible and intangible nearness and indicates the control and the discretion of the taken. The verb "left/taraka/ترك" has a probability in the percentage of its transformation indication to the subject or else as well as, separation, neglect, rapidity indications, as well as the indication of staying and not passing to notice and learn from unlike other verbs. The verb "returned/ radda/ رد" has the meaning of returning to a previous matter and it implies transformation indication as well as, rushness, and intensity indications.
Keywords: Verbs, Transformation, Noble Qur'an.
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All articles in Zarqa Journal for Research and Studies in Humanities are published under an open access Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license.
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