vol 24 no3,2024

Opportunities for Political and Economic Integration and Its Challenges (Jordan as a Model)


Opportunities for Political and Economic Integration and Its Challenges

(Jordan as a Model)

Zayed Ali Mohammad El Shebailat                 Faisal Eawdih Mutlaq Alrfouh
Prince al Hussein bin Abdullah ll school of international studies
University of Jordan
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Received : 04/01/2023                                                   Accepted :13/04/2023

Undoubtedly, exploring the topic of this study and its connection to political integration opens up extensive avenues for discussion and analysis regarding the significant transformations in the economic, political, and social systems of the country, along with the extent of opportunities for political and economic integration leading to high levels of development and advancement across all sectors in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

The study also seeks to determine the meaning of integration and its impact on attaining political stability, using an analytical method to pinpoint the possibilities for political and economic integration in Jordan.

We also explored and evaluated the chances for political and economic integration and its impact on Jordan, clarifying the idea of political and economic integration, highlighting Jordan's involvement in integration, and scrutinizing the key challenges hindering the potential for integration.

The main findings of the study show that Jordan's experience in political and economic integration does not meet expectations.

Additionally, a crucial outcome is that economic integration helps in broadening markets and attaining a significant financial gain for Jordan, as well as competing in international markets.

The findings also verified that by politically integrating, Jordan gains the benefit of being able to negotiate and engage with global economic alliances.

Therefore, recommendations are made to boost Jordanian national investments, work towards a unified Arab market, and reevaluate agreements with other countries based on current Arab and global conditions.

Keywords: Political Integration, Economic Integration, Opportunities and Challenges.


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