vol 24 no3,2024

Verses of Repentance from Ill-gotten Money: An Objective Study in the Connotation of Verses and their Rules


Verses of Repentance from Ill-gotten Money: An Objective Study in the Connotation of Verses and their Rules

Jamal Ahmed Zaid Al-Kilani                   Sameh Abdel Ilah Abdel Hadi
Faculty of Shari'a                                 Ministry of Education
An- Najah National University                                                            
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Received : 11/11/2022                                           Accepted :16/05/2023

This research "Verses about Repenting from Ill-Gotten Money" looks at some Quranic verses about feeling sorry for making money in wrong ways. The study explains what the verses mean, analyzes them, and understands their rules. We can see this clearly when we look at it through a study that mixes both understanding and legal methods. The study looked at what repentance means and what is considered illegal (haram) money. It examines the verses about repenting for taking illegal money, explaining their meanings, how they relate to each other, and the messages they convey. It also discusses the legal rules connected to these verses. Islamic law explains that repentance isn't just about thinking or considering issues. Instead, it describes what repentance is and what it aims to achieve, based on specific rules that were created for a purpose. These rules help to show what justice is and how to reach it. The study found that money earned from illegal activities can be considered acceptable and legal for the person who earned it after they sincerely regret their actions. If the person who got the illegal money from someone who died is known, it has to be given back to them. It's okay to give it to charity for the person who owns the money, and that's enough. If that can't happen, it should be given to the leader to help the poor, those in need, and community projects.

Keywords: Repentance, Usury, Ill-gotten Money, Verses of Rules.


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