vol 24 no3,2024

Knowledge Management and its Influence on Institutional Excellence at the General Personnel Council in Palestine


Knowledge Management and its Influence on Institutional Excellence at the General Personnel Council in Palestine

Shibly Ismaeel Morshed Al- swaitti           Raja Mohammad Yaseen Awda
Faculty of Administrative And economic sciences
Al-Quds Open University
Al-Quds Open University
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Received : 01/02/2023                    Accepted :10/12/2023

The study aims to examine the impact of knowledge management on organizational excellence at the General Personnel Council in Palestine. It utilized a descriptive approach with a study population consisting of senior and middle management in the Council, totaling (155) individuals. A simple random sample of (113) managers are selected and the study tool was distributed to them. Data analysis was conducted using the statistical analysis software (SPSS).

The study revealed a high level of agreement regarding knowledge management and organizational excellence in the Council. There is a statistically significant positive relationship between knowledge management and organizational excellence in the Council, with knowledge management having a statistically significant impact on organizational excellence. Demographic variables (gender, age, marital status, education level, years of service, job position) did not show statistically significant differences in perceptions of knowledge management and organizational excellence in the Council.

Keywords: Knowledge Management, Institutional Excellence, General Personnel Council, Ministry of Communications.


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