vol 24 no3,2024

The Mindfulness for the Secondary School Students in the Public Schools in Qatar and Its Relationship with Academic Resilience


The Mindfulness for the Secondary School Students in the Public Schools in Qatar and Its Relationship with Academic Resilience

Suhib Nader Jaradat                              Ikhlas Mahmoud Ahmad
Faculty of Educational Sciences             Faculty of Educational Sciences
University of Jordan                            University of Jordan
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Received : 19/01/2023                                       Accepted :30/03/2023


The research focuses on examining how mental alertness and academic resilience are connected in secondary school students in public schools in Qatar, considering factors such as gender, academic track, and secondary stage. The research sample consisted of (394) male and female students chosen at random. The research utilized the descriptive correlational method. The tools were tested for validity and reliability by using them on a survey sample of (50) male and female students. The findings indicated that mental alertness and academic resilience levels were average among public secondary school students in Qatar, with significant gender differences favoring males in both areas. Additionally, mental alertness was significantly higher among first secondary students but academic track did not have a significant impact on mental alertness or academic resilience levels. The findings indicated a strong correlation, backed by statistical evidence, between academic resilience and mental vigilance. The researchers put forward some suggestions, with the highlighted one being the need to provide training to female students for enhancing mental alertness and academic resilience.

Keywords: Academic Resilience, Mental Alertness, Secondary School, State of Qatar.


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